Welcome to ALTWINDPOWER.com!
Thanks for visiting ALTWINDPOWER.com, Hopefully you have found my website in search of knowledge about starting up your own Solar or Wind alternative energy project. This website will show you examples, give insight, and show you reviews of some of the energy products I have used and abused. This site will hopefully help you get started in the renewable energy style of living or help you with your newly found hobby. Thanks again for visiting and don't forget to visit our forum!
Comments: 08/24/23 - Ended up Getting 20 used AGM Batteries on our Red Tag sale at work for a heck of a deal! Around 1.8 to 2 Killowatt Hours!! Stay tuned to see these batteries. I am charging them up via the 50 watt solar panel I bought way back when on the prostar PS-15 for now! They are leveling out around 12.8 volts so they have some usable power left! Should have some Pictures and maybee some video up soon! Below is a link to the new Version of this controller its not a mppt but a pwm controller.
Comments: 07/10/23 - Just wanted to pass along this cool DIY wind generator kit I found on amazon. We ordered one and hope to have it up and running and a review on it soon!! Check this thing out!
Comments: 07/01/23 - ** Update *** - so like I said below around the holidy this year I had to taken apart the homemade DIY solar panel!! The failure point of the whole system was the plastic sheathing that I put over the cells to adheare them to the glass!! I found that after so many years the clear material shrunk and discolored to the point of shorting out the cells!!! I have come to the conclusion I should have used a clear eva film like this!
Comments: Finished the homemade DIY Solar Panel Today and am testing the unit on my Morningstart TS-60 Charge controller for the time being. Will let you know the specs soon! Also will have the "How to build a solar panel on the Cheap" pages up soon, still a lot of details and pics to go through. Take a look! Happy holidays!

Comments: Alrighty guys what more can I say other than its up!! been a long time coming. Check it out below!

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